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Holly Park Pump Track2019-10-07T10:06:29-07:00

Holly Park Pump Track

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  3. Holly Park Pump Track
6120 Ladner Trunk Road, Delta, British Columbia, Canada V4K 1X8 

A bike pump track is a man-made closed circuit with berms largely made of earth on each end. A rider uses the rollers (whoops) and berms to “pump” speed into the bike with minimal pedaling. Speed is generated when the cyclist rides the bike over the rollers by pulling up and then pushing down. The bike is pulled up when it initially comes to a whoop or roller, and then the cyclist pushes back once they crest it.The harder the cyclist pushes the faster they go.
Bike pump tracks are one of the fastest growing attractions in biking as they are small in scale and can be enjoyed by cyclists of all ages and skill levels. It is a full body workout where cyclists learn essential riding skills in a fun environment that is low risk and helps build fitness.

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